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- 🤖 AI Leadership Roles,🏡 Hybrid Work Report 2023, 🌎 Future Job Trends, 👦 GenZ Careers
🤖 AI Leadership Roles,🏡 Hybrid Work Report 2023, 🌎 Future Job Trends, 👦 GenZ Careers
Weekly top news and insights on the future of work
👋 Welcome to this week’s edition!

Top news and insights from this week we’re covering today:
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🤖 Will AI Leadership Positions become a thing?
🏡 Hybrid Work Report 2023: What’s working and not?
🧑💼 ChatGPT took these people’s jobs - their story
🌊 WEF Future of Jobs Report 2023: Change is coming
🌎 Global Talent Trends 2023: How is work different?
👦 What jobs do 15-year-olds expect to do at 30?
Let’s dive in! 💫
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🤖 Will AI Leadership Positions become a thing?

Key Takeaways:
A new role is on the rise: the Chief Ai Officer, whose job is to leverage artificial intelligence to drive the direction of the organization
“In the entertainment industry, the CAiO will be the storyteller for the future, using AI to create immersive and personalized experiences for audiences. From generating scripts to characters, AI-powered tools will be changing production workflows and the CAiO will be coordinating a series of innovative processes across many departments.”
One of the most important reasons why it needs to exist as a separate role, instead of being blended with another C-suite position, is because of how much the details of AI are specific and important
Why it matters:
Working with artificial intelligence is a bit like taming a tiger. The CAiO is the one who will be tasked with stepping into the cage, and making sure that the tiger performs...and doesn’t turn on the entire audience.
Read more here.
🏡 Hybrid Work Report 2023

Insights and Statista released a report focused on Hybrid work, trying to capture post-pandemic trends and feedback.
Key Takeaways:
Still lots of office work in fashion; especially in Denmark, Germany and France. UK, US, Canada lead with remote and hybrid.
What’s recognised as being the hardest thing to do: building relationships, and onboarding. What’s improved: productivity, delivering on goals, learning and development.
Top needed skills to make hybrid work: effective communication, ability to adapt, change and empathize.
Why it’s important:
While many top leaders and tech companies have come out with statements against remote work and mandatory RTOs (which many times coincided with the need for cost-cuttings) hybrid work is here to stay, and it’s worth embracing change and understanding how to make it work versus fighting it.
Read more here.
🧑💼 ChatGPT took these people’s jobs

The Washington Post runs a piece giving some names and stories about people having their lives really changed by ChatGPT.
Key Takeaways:
Olivia Lipkin, a copywriter in San Francisco, experienced a decline in assignments at her tech start-up company. Managers started referring to her as "Olivia/ChatGPT" on Slack. The use of ChatGPT was considered cheaper than employing a writer, leading to Lipkin's dismissal.
Eric Fein, a content writer, also faced a collapse in his business as clients transitioned to ChatGPT. This led to the cancellation of his contracts, putting Fein and his family in a financially precarious situation. He’s now planning to train as a plumber, believing that AI threatens jobs that serve as entry-level positions and steppingstones to higher levels.
Why it Matters:
“Think of AI as generally acting as a high-end intern,” he said. “Jobs that are mostly designed as entry-level jobs to break you into a field where you do something kind of useful, but it’s also sort of a steppingstone to the next level — those are the kinds of jobs under threat.”
Key questions for me are: While those tasks were taken away, why didn’t those individuals and/or companies look at how they could leverage that to do more and better? ChatGPT allows individuals to learn other skills, and the case for automated content is going to become a problem further down the road. What’s the real value?
Read more here.
🌊 WEF Future of Jobs Report 2023: Change is coming

The World Economic forum has just released its ‘Future of Jobs 2023’ report.
Key Takeaways:
More jobs will be created in the next five years, but not everyone will benefit - 83 million jobs are projected to be lost and 69 million are projected to be created, constituting a structural labour-market churn of 152 million jobs, or 23% of the 673 million employees in the data set being studied. This constitutes a reduction inemployment of 14 million jobs, or 2%. However, regional disparities in employment will arise, with the Global North experiencing a shortage of candidates while the Global South struggles with a scarcity of job opportunities. This, coupled with the prevailing cost of living crisis, will lead to a general decline in real wages for everyone.
Training is a Problem - Six in 10 workers will require training before 2027, but only half of workers are seen to have access to adequate training opportunities today. 57% of surveyed employees are pursuing training outside of work,because company training programmes do not teach them relevant skills, advance their careerdevelopment or help them stay competitive inthe labour market.
Almost half of the skills will need to change: Employers estimate that 44% of workers’ skills will be disrupted in the next five years. Analytical thinking and creative thinkingremain the most important skills for workersin 2023. Creative thinking,another cognitive skills, ranks second, ahead ofthree self-efficacy skills – resilience, flexibilityand agility; motivation and self-awareness; andcuriosity and lifelong learning – in recognitionof the importance of workers ability to adapt to disrupted workplaces. The skills that companies report to beincreasing in importance the fastest arenot always reflected in corporate upskilling strategies.And this was before ChatGPT…
Why it Matters: It’s interesting to see every year how these trends change, and how it’s hard for these pieces of research to capture a good photograph as the pace of innovation increases by the day. There is also a big disconnect between different industries, countries and between aspirations from employers to what they’re actually able to provide. This can create further tension.
Read more here.
🌎 Global Talent Trends 2023
Mercer released their 2023 report, with some known and some newer insights.

Key Insights:
Building Global and diverse companies requires deep cultural insights: We already talked in my article on how cultural differences are often underrated (How to Manage Cultural Differences in the Workplace and Job Search 🗺). This report shows even better how different priorities are for workers in different locations.
Networked Organizations on the rise: Focus is on more fluid and networked organizational designs (those that link internal andexternal relationships), to support the use of a broadtalent ecosystem and better align to the platforms and partners of the digital economy.
Why it’s important:
Recognizing how things differ culturally is key to building successful global organizations, but also for employees to understand their peers and build better relationships. Adapting to different types of organizational models is also mandatory to keep up with the pace of change, and also to innovate.
Read more here.
👦What jobs do 15-year-olds expect to do at 30?
Every few years, thousands of teenagers are asked a very simple question: What job do you expect to have when you’re 30?
Key Takeaways:
In the last 20 years, we’ve seen a concerning trend: More and more teenagers name the same basic jobs, like doctor or lawyer, almost as if they’re picking jobs out of a children’s book. And even more worrisome is that more and more teenagers don’t even name a job.
All of this hints that today’s teenagers aren’t thinking enough about their future plans — and, fair or not, this lack of career preparation will likely have lifelong consequences.
Why it matters:
It’s an important question because having an answer helps teenagers plan for the future, whether that’s taking a specific class or deciding to attend college.
📕 Other Resources
The Deep View - Great daily newsletter on all-things AI; bite-sized and informative.
HR Brain Pickings - Resource for tech enthusiasts, early adopters, entrepreneurs, and startup owners who are looking to improve their HR practices.
Ben Beats - Newsletter by BEN, a global education company focusing on crypto news, events, jobs, and tools for investors, traders, builders, founders.