Please help me improve Work3 🙏

A 3 minute survey to help know a little more about you and figure out how I can do better

Hello! 👋

First of all, happy holidays 🎄

Looking towards the new year, I decided it would be super useful to run a short survey to know a little bit more about you and help me understand where and on what I should focus on next to improve Work3.

There’s 10 questions, it takes about 3 minutes so I hope if you found my content useful you can support me by filling it in!

I have no Amazon vouchers to give out unfortunately, but would love to give back any way I can so reach out to me by replying to this email with:

  • Request for a Job search Coaching session

  • Proposal for topics to write on

  • Coffee chat

  • Anything else

Also - it’s the end of the year, it’s time for reflections, and I’d like to share my top 3 with you:

  • Managed to be (mostly) consistent and get an issue out every week and tried to develop new types of content

  • Crossed the 3,000 subscriber mark

  • Met a ton of amazingly talented and interesting people, whether it was for interviews, chatting with subscribers or reaching out to get the newsletter out there

It may not look like a lot, but definitely meant the world to me and I consider it an honor to be part of your ‘information diet’, considering how much stuff is out there 🤯

Thank you!Matteo