🔮 web3 Stories #1 - Kairon

Learn from people who have jumped from web2 to web3

What better way to learn about the future of work than to get first hand perspective from people who are pioneering new types of roles, participating in revolutionizing business models and creating new ways of collaboration?

For the first edition of web3 Stories, I interviewed Kairon, who has worked with several DAOs (Jump - marketing, Rabbithole - learn to earn) contributing to their creation, governance) and does a lot of super interesting writing also of his own that I encourage you to check out on his Mirror (for those who don’t know - it’s publishing tool for writers, which leverages cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies).

Kairon has been kind enough to provide some of his key learnings from his experience transitioning to web3, which can serve as inspiration and a starting point for those keen to do the same (or just curious on how it works).

Here it goes:

You have had significant experience in web2 - what drove you to jump full-time into web3?

Data, I found it really unfair how web2 platforms built a business model around hoarding and exploiting user data. I strongly believe everyone's ability to use their information can lead to a fairer innovation and distribution of value online.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learnt in your path so far?

You can build a legacy by being yourself. Being recognized and earning a living through a certain skill is only the tip of the iceberg. Civil discussion and your own experience/insight can be much more valuable than whatever you can do with your hands alone 

What do you think will be the next step for web3 to become more mass market?

Getting rid of the speculative baggage we inherited from crypto. When people realize that web3 is about much more than just prices going up, we'll have much wider industry adoption. My dream is for the technology to become invisible, it just works behind the scenes of your favorite platforms.

Do you think web2 companies will be willing and able to get DAO-like governance and practices, or given enough time do you envision for there to be a more ‘natural selection’?

It's just another business model in my eyes, not every project should be a DAO, the same way not all of them should become corporations. We know for a fact 90% of startups don't make it past the second year, why should we expect different from DAOs? Doesn't mean they're not worth experimenting with.

What are the key problems and tools for DAOs today to solve?

By far the biggest one is how do you make ownership tangible beyond just cashing out. There's still a lot to be explored in terms of what you really get past simple governance and airdrops.

Are there any tools that you use or that you would think someone would need to build?

I'm extremely excited at what's gonna happen between Mirror and Lens Protocol. I think there's real value in people being able to build their own content engines that counteract the algorithm-chasing of traditional platforms.

Rabbithole has the objective to build an on-chain resume - what are the main limitations to fulfill it vision from your point of view?

There's a thin line to walk here. We need to stay away from "social credit systems", while keeping the data as transparent and useful as it can be. It's all a matter of building fair and unbiased platforms to use this information correctly.

Do you think skills need to be community validated?

This certainly plays a big part in making on chain credentials valuable, projects such as Disco.xyz  and the GitCoin Passport look really promising in mixing different sources of information into one cohesive ID that the user has control over

How would you suggest to solve the ‘drinking from the firehose’ problem when getting into web3 to avoid drowning in information or not being sure where to find it? 

As I mentioned before, having a way to build your own content stream could be a great way to drip this information little by little. I also believe first hand experience plays a big part in making it accessible. Just pick a single action to experiment with at a time, like "I'm going to swap between ETH and wBTC on Uniswap today", and little by little you'll start to get the hang of it. Really helps that this is RabbitHole's approach to learning lol

Are there any other projects /  DAOs you’re particularly interested in?

I'm obsessed with RADAR DAO as of late, the conversations we have there are just above and beyond, and they're not just about web3, we talk about robotics, anthropology, whatever you can think of. Besides them, I've been recently getting into Orca Protocol to learn more about the bleeding edge of governance thinking, there's a lot to explore in that department.

📘 Other newsletters I’ve been reading

TLDR; web3 - Since we’re on the subject, this newsletter offers a great weekly roundup of all things web3